merrily merrily merrily merrily



i try to keep my heart tender
while my head is yanked by the hair
to within a tooth’s width of teeth, 
and another adult’s strength
is the only thing keeping me
from being torn at work. 
this isn’t typical, but it isn’t abnormal. 
i don’t want to tell you, “don’t tell me _______”, 
but i am so low right now.
to listen is taking all the strength i have.  
yesterday, i discovered my hand reflecting light. 
again, i dreamed for hours. changes are
forming my ear to do the counterpart of
articulate what my heart is screaming out for. 
spend enough time building up a cool attitude
towards screaming and you may cease to
read what message is there. my prayer is: 
please teach me my heart’s language
tonight while i am sleeping. please. 
i only want to hear the directions. it will be
so hard to follow them, please make it easier
to read them.